Black Bread Recipes – Austrian/German Schwarzbrot

Black bread (‘Schwarzbrot’ in German) is a type of bread, typically made with wholemeal rye flour and of a dark brown colour. There isn’t a universally valid definition of what black bread or Schwarzbrot is; however, the main common denominator is a high proportion of rye in the dough. What is black bread? Typically based on … Read more

Best oat bread recipes

The crunchy oatcakes I made earlier this year were the start of a new baking passion: baking with oats. Having experimented extensively over the past few months, baking with oats has become my new favourite thing. I put together this mini-guide as an introduction to this fabulous bread baking ingredient and you’ll also find my favourite oat … Read more

Dried apricot bread recipe with walnuts

My standard mid-week breakfast consists of porridge (in the winter), granola (in the summer) and a slice of bread with butter and honey or jam. Saffron bread and a plain old-fashioned milk loaf work well as breakfast breads and so do fruit and nut breads. This dried apricot bread with walnuts – baked in honour of this month’s #BreadBakers theme … Read more

Easy sourdough bread recipe

I’ve recently realised that most of my sourdough recipes are not entirely suitable for those starting out in sourdough baking. Many of my recipes involve more than ten ingredients and certain enhancing dough elements (such as seed soakers) which may discourage budding sourdough bakers. This is why I’m posting an easy sourdough bread recipe based on only three ingredients … Read more

Best Sourdough Recipes (Top 10)

In celebration of #RealBreadWeek 2016, I would like to share my top 10 sourdough recipes. Best sourdough recipes for Real Bread Week Real Bread Week is an annual event by the Real Bread Campaign celebrating real bread and its makers. While real bread can be leavened with commercial yeast or sourdough starter, I’d like to dedicate … Read more

Mohnnudeln Recipe – Poppy Seed Noodles

Mohnnudeln are a traditional specialty from the Austrian region of Waldviertel, located about one and a half hours west of Vienna. Grey poppy seeds have been cultivated in the Waldviertel for centuries and you can still experience the colourful poppy seed fields today. Characterised by a very mild and refined taste, the region’s grey poppy seeds … Read more

Black treacle bread recipe

On my latest visit to Dublin, I tasted a delicious loaf of Irish treacle bread. Dark, heavy and deliciously earthy. However, it was of course a soda bread and when I returned home, I decided to make a sourdough version of the Irish black treacle bread. The black treacle bread recipe I developed uses cracked rye and rye flour to support … Read more

Pissaladière Niçoise Recipe

I visited Nice and the Côte d’Azur a long time ago when I was only sixteen. Unfortunately, I didn’t experience much of the classic cuisine provençale. I would love to return and taste all the wonderful dishes: bouillabaisse, ratatouille, l’anchoïade or pissaladière Niçoise, the region’s beloved anchovy and onion flatbread. Inspired by this month’s garlic-themed#BreadBakers event (hosted by Karen’s … Read more

Best Easter Bread Recipes

Easter breads figure prominently in many cultures’ celebrations and are often the centrepiece of a festive Easter breakfast or dinner table. In my kitchen, Easter is the time where fresh, seasonal and local Scottish produce can take centre stage again. The herbs in my allotment tend to have sprung back to life and the rhubarb is back to its vigorous growth. Easter is … Read more

Millet bread recipe (no yeast)

This millet bread recipe makes a perfect breakfast bread and delicious accompaniment for vegetarian stews. The recipe bakes a bread with a moist and spongy crumb and crunchy crust. Little grainy millet beads are baked into the dough. It keeps well and stays moist for days as the millet grains are great for retaining moisture. I use yellow millet … Read more